Onion - the missing ingredient for Sage Line 50 / Sage Instant accounts packs in Excel

Onion - the missing ingredient for Sage Line 50 / Sage Instant accounts packs in Excel
Full audit trails to underlying transactions from P&Ls, Balance Sheets, graphs, PivotTables, and departmental TBs in a stand-alone Excel file. Aged Debtors and Aged Creditor files too. Free 30 day trials. Download today at www.onionrs.co.uk

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Excel VBA range find method not working

Just beat my head off a brick wall for the best part of a day on this!

The Find method failed to locate the reference of a text value in a row because I had hidden the row. I was using LookIn:=xlValues. When I changed it to LookIn:=xlFormulas, it worked as expected. Who knew!

P.S. Excel 2003 - don't know about other versions.